How much does it cost to ship my order to Southtree?

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The answer is: it depends! You have a couple of different options:

  • Surepost Shipping Both Ways ($9.95) — Estimated 6-8 Business Days
  • UPS Ground Shipping Both Ways ($14.95) — Estimated 3-6 Business Days
  • Express Shipping Both Ways ($29.95) — Estimated 2 Business Days  

Each shipping option includes your Southtree Box, Safety Item Barcodes, UPS Ground Shipping Label, and Welcome Guide.

For the return shipment of your Southtree Box to us, we include a UPS Ground shipping label. Just use this label to drop off your package at a UPS Ground shipping location (UPS accepts Ground in-store only; do not leave in a UPS dropbox).

Once you’ve placed your order, the Southtree team will fulfill your order and get your box shipped out within 48 hours.  

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