What’s your return policy once my items have been digitally preserved?

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Think we missed something? We make returns super easy. Simply contact us to set up a review! We accept returns within 30 days of completion of an order. An order is considered complete from the day our team hands the product to the shipping carrier for final delivery to you, then the 30 days start.

Although we are not obligated to do so, we sometimes take returns past the 30 day window at our sole discretion. If you believe you are entitled to a return even though the 30 day window has expired, please contact us to voice your concerns.

Occasionally, items may arrive at our offices in an unplayable or defective condition. If that happens, we will provide a review of the material, a re-transfer of the material, or pay the shipping to return the materials to you (as conditions allow). We do not charge any additional fees for review, return shipment, or re-transfers.

Please see our terms & conditions for more information.

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