We offer three different options: thumb drive, DVD/CD set, and digital download. Which one should you choose?
Each option has its own advantages! Ultimately, you're going to get the same quality with each product. Here are some of the pros of each one.
Thumb drive — The thumb drive is the most popular option. It's great because it's easy to just plug in and view. There's no loading necessary and it pulls right up when plugged into your computer. Additionally, most computers have USB support and should be able to play your thumb drive. If you're wanting to view, edit, and upload, this is probably the best option.
DVD/CD set — If you're not planning on viewing your videos on a computer, but would prefer to watch them on your big screen TV with friends and family, the DVD may be the best option. It's simple and easy to use. Photos and audio items are converted to CD, which still need to be played on a computer though (or a CD player if it's audio!).
Digital download — This is by far the best option if you're wanting to share your items with a multitude of people. Instead of having to give them a physical copy of the digitized material, you can simply send them one link that has all of your memories stored on to it. You can download it to your computer for permanent storage and so can the people you send it to! The link will be active for 30 days with unlimited downloads.
Each option is great, so it really comes down to preference and what you're planning on doing with your digitized memories!
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